sticky records (for sale)
title artist media condition price description label release_number release_country sold
Blizzard The Bear Quartet 7 m/m 10 excellent single sticky 1 uk
v/a I’ll Procrastinate Tomorrow cs m/m 15 sticky 2 uk
Distant Someday Johanna’s House of Glamour 7 m/m 10 white vinyl sticky 3 uk
v/a Watch the Sky cs 15 sticky 4 uk
split Spatula / Evil Wiener cs m/m 10 sticky 5 uk
Slip it Inside Hulyboy 7 m/m 10 Hula Hoop / Boyracer sticky 6 uk
v/a Yeps cs - - Hood, National Heros, Hem sticky 7 uk x
Noise, Warmth, and Unassuming Grace Hood / Meredith cs - - sticky 8 uk
Eternal Meredith 7 m/m 7 sticky 9 uk
Airport Love Betty Please 7 m/m 7 sticky 10 uk
split Sunshine / Johanna;s House of Glamour 7 m/m 15 blue vinyl sticky 11 uk
v/a Bear Quartet / Puffin / A Shrine / Blithe 7 m/m 15 Around the World with Sticky Records pic disk sticky 12 uk
Serious Cat New Bad Things 7 m/m 5 sticky 13 uk
v/a Restaurants, Bars, and Pop Stars cs - - Famous Boyfiend, Hood, Moontrap sticky 14 uk x
Slinky the Horse Supergrover 7 m/m 5 clear yellow vinyl sticky 15 uk
v/a Cornershop / Boyracer / Tindersticks / Heck 7 m/m 15 Around the World with Sticky Records pic disk sticky 16 uk
The Devotion Chamber Hefner cs - - sticky 17 uk x
s/t Peu Importe cs m/m 15 sticky 18 uk
v/a Acousticky ep Him Kerosine / Boyracer / Sunshine / Hood 7 m/m 15 sticky 19 uk
North Atlantic Chuzzlewit 7 m/m 10 sticky ? uk
The Hymn for the Alcohol Hefner 7 m/m 10 sticky 23 uk